From San Javier, Corredor presented the “Dream that unites us” and told those present that in 34 days, God willing and with the help of the citizens, he will be Mayor of the city to recover the love for Medellín and provide solutions to the problems. ..
He who knows the path, knows where he is going.And Alder Cruz is clear: Sabaneta will be the first Smart City in the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Area.With a novel and close Government Program, in which quality education, mobility... Soosan Hydraulic Hammer

The candidate against continuity in the Mayor's Office of Rionegro, Fernando “Tola” Valencia, not only does the ladies of this city like him very well electorally, but with their massive support he also leads the voting intention for the Mayor's Office of Rionegro. ...
Positive from all points of view that want to analyze the participation as candidates in the now imminent regional elections of new leaders or better of young people, of new faces, refreshing in politics, for which they were very reluctant or apathetic.But the...
The political campaign in Antioquia was affected in the last hours by a new act of violence, which disturbs the tranquility of this democratic process that will end on October 29 with the election of the civil and political authorities of the territorial order.Candidates and...
By Guillermo Mejía Mejía It does not obligate rank and file liberals, the ordinary liberal, because the vote is secret and because the rule only constrains party leaders and candidates for collegiate bodies or single-member positions. The difficulty...
In conclusion, after observing everything that happened on this surprising Tuesday, September 19, some news happened that added warmth to the electoral campaign in Antioquia.And the spice to this prior to the polls was put by the candidates for the Governor of Antioquia,...
Not only is the campaign to get votes or voters intensely carried out by the Government of Antioquia, where today it is not known who is going to win it, nor by the mayor of Medellín, which has become a street fight, but also in others. ..
After the purge of candidates after the cutoff on September 8, in the 125 municipalities in the department of Antioquia, 672 candidates were in competition, which exceeds the 601 in 2019. For the Government of Antioquia, there remain 7 electoral alternatives to the.. .
A majority of Green Party Directors and candidates announced their decision to move away from Quinterismo and presented Rodolfo Correa as their new candidate for Mayor of Medellín.In the midst of an increasingly polarized landscape, the leaders of the Green Party decided...
Before the alternative and independent press of Antioquia, the candidate for the Governor of Antioquia, Luis Pérez Gutiérrez, assured very early this Thursday and was optimistic that he has the votes to challenge his rivals for that position, despite what they claim. ..
In Itagüí they delivered modern educational infrastructure in the El Manzanillo township. An investment of more than 8,000 million pesos and a physical infrastructure of 3,743 square meters make up the new infrastructure of the Los Gómez educational institution, located in the rural area of this...
The following is the text of the lawsuit of the former magistrate and former president of the CNE, Guillermo Mejía Mejía against the registration of César Gaviria as director of the Liberal Party due to expiration of the period and also against treason through accession for serious violations of the statutes...
Regarding the “adhesion” or delivery of the liberal endorsement by the ex-liberal Eugenio Prieto to the Democratic Center in Antioquia, a group of lawyers analyzed the document that served as the basis for that betrayal and found very serious attacks or anti-statutory vices against the Party. .
Now the electoral campaigns in Antioquia became very tasty like Francia Márquez.He has everything going on and there are loud noises everywhere.But there are about five little houses that inject or add a lot of flavor and color to the democratic battle...
EPM is advancing in the development of the Western Chain project, with which it expands, expands and modernizes the aqueduct infrastructure for western Medellín, an area that has grown in inhabitants in recent years.The project began its execution in 2017...
Professor Rodolfo Correa advances in his goal of unifying political and social forces around a project that allows the formation of an inclusive and multicolor Government.This Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 53 days before the local elections, he received in full...
The candidate for Mayor of Rionegro affirmed that the Municipal Administration pressures its contractors to support also candidate Jorge Rivas.He announced legal actions against councilors and council candidates for engaging in political violence in public spaces.He made known the use...
By: Carlos Gómez Rodas Doctor in Political Philosophy.The elections in Medellín are getting closer.In 55 days, Daniel Quintero's successor will be known and, according to the latest results of the survey published by the newspaper El Espectador, the outlook is intriguing...
The councilor, accountant and educator Elkin Zuleta Estrada can be said to have been the great standard bearer of liberal ideas in Itagüí for some time.Not only is he currently the only councilor of that party in the Municipal Council, but for the seventh time he aspires to that corporation, where for six terms he has been elected as a lobbyist, always...
To refer to Alder Cruz's candidacy for mayor of Sabaneta is to refer to a new political class, which with the current and outgoing mayor Santiago Montoya, represented a generational break in the leadership of the smallest municipality in Colombia and located in the...
Through a letter addressed to the leaders of the Green Party, majorities of this group have made the decision to nominate Rodolfo Correa as their candidate for Mayor of Medellín.Under the motto #LaFuerzaDeUnEQUIPO, headed by the Representative to the Chamber for...
The liberal crisis in Antioquia deepened even further when the majority sectors of that community in the department notified that they do not recognize the agreement of the candidate Eugenio Prieto with the party totally antagonistic to the principles of Colombian liberalism such as the Democratic Center...
A headline from a press release from the councilor of Rionegro, Leidy Baena, asks: Andrés Julián, Rodrigo: where is the money?Councilor Baena announced criminal actions against Andrés Julián Rendón, candidate for governor of Antioquia, and Rodrigo Hernández, mayor of Rionegro.–...
For the candidate for Mayor of Bello for the Bello nos une coalition, Lorena González, security in the city is essential to achieve the purposes of her government plan, and she has proposed a series of strategies that will strengthen this aspect.One of...
The First Great Debate for the Government of Antioquia, carried out by Telemedellin, revealed the cards for the highest political position in the department, and left a clear definition of this contest: On the one hand, there is a bloc made up of the candidates of Petro and Quintero ,...
After the resignation of Daniel Duque from his candidacy for Mayor of Medellín, candidates for the Council and JAL, leaders and directors of a sector of the Green Party asked to join Juan Carlos Upegui's campaign for Mayor of Medellín.Through...
1. The District Person's Office of Medellín initiated an investigation against officials of EPM The District Person's Office of Medellín, through the process of Administrative Surveillance and Disciplinary Instruction, began a preliminary investigation against officials to be determined from Public Companies of Medellín – EPM, for alleged reasons. ..
Antioquia is where the most cases of suicide have occurred in 2023, the majority of them are men and young people are those who represent the greatest risk.Jorge Rodríguez, Gino, is the standard-bearer of this worrying issue in Antioquia territory and wants to be a deputy...
In an emotional event that brought together more than 2,000 people, Liliana Ramírez, candidate for mayor of La Estrella, reaffirmed her determination and leadership by presenting an ambitious government plan oriented towards a hopeful future for all Siderenses.The candidate for...
In compliance with the provisions of the tax reform, citizens who pay valuation and who are in arrears were able to access, until June 30, a 50% discount on the interest generated on overdue obligations, paying the full value of. ..
To give continuity to the interventions that are part of the El Poblado Valorization Project, framed in the 1,000 works of Mayor Daniel Quintero Calle, since July the designs of the intervention on 34th Avenue and Los González Avenue officially began. .
In front of an audience of more than 300 professionals from the education sector, the candidate for Mayor of Medellín, Albert Corredor, presented his ambitious education program for the period 2024-2027.In a meeting full of enthusiasm and commitment, Corredor shared his vision...
The National Electoral Council, through the international relations and surveys advisor, Tatiana González, announced the opening of an investigation into alleged irregularities with electoral surveys in the current electoral campaign of the Municipality of Itagüí.The complaints in this regard were presented by Mrs....
In a lying press release, the candidates for the Governor of Antioquia, Eugenio Prieto and Andrés Julián Rendón, claim that they signed a programmatic agreement of which not a single comma appears or better yet absolutely nothing resembling a programmatic platform and they only limit themselves...
From the maximum security prison of Itagüí, where the bases of the urban peace process in Medellín are being discussed, the professor and current candidate for Mayor, Rodolfo Correa, made important statements about the need to address urban peace in the city, recognizing ...
In an inspiring, joy-filled event held in Parques del Río, young representatives from different sectors of the city met with professor and candidate for Mayor, Rodolfo Correa, to have an open and meaningful dialogue about the challenges they face. ..
Although there are several storms in the electoral campaign in Antioquia, which we will review, let us begin the political chronicle with a kinder fact and that is the launch this Saturday, August 26, of the latest book by former deputy, former congressman, former official, municipalist and teacher Gonzalo Gaviria Correa, the enormous...
With a civic agreement for Medellín signed by Rodolfo Correa, the 19 candidates for the Council and the Board of Directors of the Gente en Movimiento Party, a great alliance of joint work was sealed ahead of the territorial elections on October 29 that will seek...
The candidate for Mayor of Medellín, professor and lawyer Rodolfo Correa, has sent an open letter to his contenders in the electoral race, in which he proposes a public alliance to defeat Federico Gutiérrez.This letter, addressed to the candidates for the...
A mother, wife, social leader, public accountant, businesswoman and someone passionate about Medellín is also today a candidate for the District Council on the Liberal Party list with number 21. Her name is Liliana Parra and she has the great challenge of replacing and trying to recover ...
Within the Democratic Center, CD, or Antioquia's Uribism there is not one but several tendencies and for the territorial and legislative elections in Antioquia the so-called Team of All was born.In the case of the election of the Antioquia Assembly, she was elected deputy for...
The elections for the Mayor of Medellín are getting closer, and the results of the recent survey published by W radio and carried out by the firm JPG Market Research, have made it clear that the competition is concentrated in two candidates:... .
By: Carlos Gómez Rodas Doctor of Philosophy What happened on the night of this Sunday, August 20, 2023, during the broadcast of the debate organized by TeleMedellín, Cable Noticias and Hora 13, was very telling to understand the local political reality, as a ...
There is nothing strange anymore that the Liberal Party appears in Antioquia fractured or divided.It has already happened on several occasions in past elections for the Governor of Antioquia and the Mayor of Medellín, with very tough and obvious defeats.The last great victory...
The candidate for Mayor of Medellín, Juan Carlos Upegui, from the Independent movement, denounced that criminal structures from commune 3 – Manrique are withdrawing political advertising from the campaign in the territory, for which he called to take care of democracy and. ..
The candidate for Mayor of Medellín for the significant movement “Medellín Nos Une”, Albert Corredor, briefly interrupted his campaign agenda to attend the 8th Colombian Business Congress (CEC) organized by the National Association of Industrialists (ANDI).The event took place on...

Hydraulic Rock Breaker Much ahead of what was customary in past elections, the Electoral Organization through the Civil Status Registry carried out another of the important phases of the calendar and the current territorial electoral campaign, by sorting out the order of the candidates for office and the...