Outdoor and recreational gear can not only be expensive but also hold sentimental value. That’s why a Boise company created technology to help people who find lost gear get it back to their owners — giving owners peace of mind when going on outdoor adventures.
Karmik Outdoors makes QR code decals that can be placed on a variety of outdoor and recreational gear. According to the company, 4 out of 5 outdoor enthusiasts have lost outdoor gear. Crude oil to beard oil: The story behind Boise’s Better Man Beard Glass Clear Pvc

“In the wild, we have had dozens of successful lost and found situations,” Karmik Outdoors founder and owner Robert Gillingham said. “We have saved thousands of dollars worth of outdoor gear. We are really proud of that.”
The decals, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes, can be put on just about anything, including outdoor gear but also keys, power tools, photography equipment, laptops, phones, and Airpods. According to Karmik Outdoors, the decals are 100% waterproof, chemical proof, UV and scratch-resistant.
“We wanted to ensure your ski could be buried in snow and the decal will work,” Gillingham said.
To set up the technology on gear, the code can be scanned and linked to a new account. Then if the gear is lost, and someone finds it, they can scan the QR code. The owner will then be notified and emailed the finder’s contact information. Getting your gear back Karmik Outdoors sells QR code decals to help outdoor enthusiasts find lost gear. Photo: Courtesy Karmik Outdoors.
“The chasm between people who have lost gear and people who have found gear leaves both parties unhappy and bridging the gap between the two is pretty simple,” Gillingham said. “The goal of Karmik was to ensure outdoor enthusiasts’ gear is identifiable and returnable.”
Karmik Outdoors has an incentive program for finders who use the QR code. Rewards can include a free 10-pack of decals, a prize pack, a reward from the owner, and good karma – which is also how the company coined its name.
“There is sometimes some cynicism about people’s willingness to return found outdoor gear,” Gillingham said. “That was a concern we had before launching also.”
Gillingham said they tested their own gear around the Treasure Valley and got 80% of it back within one day. They also did some independent testing and those people received their gear back at 80% as well.
“With no identification your chances of getting it back are ZERO. With Karmik it is 80% or better.”
In the last year, the company also launched a rental platform called Karmik.pro. The technology is made for outdoor rental shops that can use the QR code decals on their rental gear.
“Retailers were looking for a solution to ensure their outdoor gear is uniquely identifiable and a simple platform to check gear and users in and out. We have that now.” Gillingham said. “As we seek to grow, there are many features we want to add to grow the positive impact of our lost and found service.”
Karmik Outdoor’s QR code decals are sold on its website and also at stores across the Treasure Valley like Idaho Mountain Touring, Idaho Anglers, Three Rivers Ranch, and Play it Again Sports.
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